I love music, and I really love music while I practice!   Some people play music while practicing and some don’t, but if you’re curious about it, I thought I’d give you some ideas. 


My all-time faves that you’ll hear in class all the time:


1. Any Shiva Rea compilation – one of my favorite teachers who creates amazing music compilations (and produces great DVDs) :

Jala   – Jala means water, and you will just flow right through this CD! I play this at Black Lotus all the time.

Shakti Rhythms – Shakti means power, and this is a strong (but not frenetic) CD that will keep you energized.

Yoga Rhythms – A classic, and one I still go back to over and over.


2. Jai Uttal – a regular kirtan (sacred yoga music) maker

Music for Yoga and Other Joys – I come back to this again and again.  It’s mellow and beautiful


3. The Spirit of Yoga great for relaxing practices


4. Donna Delory

The Lover and the Beloved – my current favorite!  I play it all.the.time


5. Wah!   Anything by her, but especially:

Savasana, and Savasana 2 – awesome for relaxation

Hidden in the name – double CD with some beautiful tracks


6. Jennifer Berezan

Returning – so many babies have been born to this music!


Those are some of my favorites, but I’ve also found some fun music over the years through Itunes playlists.   I usually search for yoga tunes.  


I also like music that isn’t yoga specific.   I’ve loved practicing to Moby, general reggae, Ali Farka Toure, and lots of other “world” music.  And yes, occasionally, I’ll do yoga to some 80’s tune (Livin on a Prayer by Bon Jovi, anyone?).   


These days in yoga classes, you can hear almost anything!  I was once asked to teach a disco yoga class, with disco music blasting in the background.   I politely declined, and that health club is no longer operating (coincidence?  You decide).  


But really, if it works for you, that’s awesome!  Whatever gets you to the mat.


I’d love to hear what you’re listening to these days, and if you even like to listen to music while you’re practicing.  Send in a comment.   I know I’ve missed something good!


Keep on grooving,

