Anytime we come to the mat to practice, we bring all that’s happened to us stored inside someplace. We bring the difficult parts especially – the tense conversation with our boss, the silent treatment we got from our partner, the anxiety about our child. Of course, we also bring the good things – the smile from a stranger on the subway, the achievement of a job well done, etc. Our practice reflects back to ourselves how we’re feeling, and often helps us know why we’re feeling that, and what to do about it.
That is all magnified in a very intense and focused way when someone is pregnant. For a very specific period of time, such extraordinary growth is going on, and I don’t mean in just the physical realm! Mentally and energetically, women are so *ripe* in their yoga experiences, so ready to meet change and become a new person on the other side of it – a parent. They know they must change, and slowly but surely, through the weeks and months that they come to class, they let go of what used to be, and merge into the ever-evolving present.
Prenatal class is magnifying glass to see a yogi’s accelerated growth. It happens to anyone who consistently practices, but when you’re pregnant, there’s a bit of a deadline! You can’t put off your practice for a few months if other areas of your life heat up. You must do it now. Pregnancy seems to help women crystallize what’s really important to them.
It’s not always a pretty or graceful transition! We have a lot of struggles that we talk about in class, and a lot of tears and laughter and joy. But it’s so helpful to share with a roomful of women who are in a similar place in life. I think a lot of students come in feeling alone, but leave yoga class feeling like part of a positive community.
Teaching prenatal yoga has helped me teach in my regular classes. I feel so much more open to just *being* with someone’s struggles when they share with me. I think I’m just able to hold the space and not try to fix it like I might have wanted to years ago when I was a new teacher. Best of all, being with pregnant women has helped me know better how to gently but firmly encourage someone to see it through, and stay on the self-healing path, even when it’s tough.
This is just a beginning of why I love teaching pregnant women.
having been a prenatal yoga student recently (my daughter is 9 months old), this posting resonated so much for me. in fact, i long for the “ripeness” you are talking about. that pressure to be who you want to be (a great and present parent) b/c there is no room, or really no need, for any BS is a lot to deal with, but it is blessed. sharing that experience with other women in the same situation in prenatal yoga is a joy and a relief, and the community that builds around the sharing is precious! thank you for teaching prenatal!
Funny… sitting here with Leyli bouncing on the yoga ball…
Barrett all I have to say is that is nice to find someone in this crazy planet that has really found one of their true callings (I say one… because I know we all have countless)… you are an amazing guide thru the journey of pregnancy and post birth. This has been the most amazing year for me, and you have been a big part of it. Thank you for making me stop, breathe… to both notice the little heart beat and to remember to take care of me. I agree with my dear friend… the community of pregnant women is one to really sit back and roll around in… enjoy it…. don’t worry about gettin yourself dirty… peaceful vibes
Thanks to both Aine and Weber for their comments, and for your participation over the past year in prenatal and postnatal yoga! One of things I didn’t mention about why I love teaching yoga in general, is that I get to know a lot of great people 🙂
Love and light!
All I can say is thank goodness for Barrett’s prenatal yoga! Barrett – you encouraged me not only to go inside and take the time to breathe, be present and connect with my baby, but you also made me feel graceful despite my clumsy and large pregnant body. Most importantly, when I participated in your classes I felt empowered and strong. This is something I did not experience in other prenatal yoga classes and the strength was something I could take into the childbirth experience with me. I am especially grateful for your always reminding me not to raise my eyebrows! Aaaahhh. The feeling of relaxation after lowering them again is wonderful.
Barrett, I so miss your prenatal classes at Healthworks and O2 yoga! I would like to echo Lucy’s comments and say that they also made me feel graceful, healthy, and connected to my baby. And since I started so early (9weeks!) and made it to my 37th week, that time at the beginning was really beneficial to me at all stages of my pregnancy. My husband and I still talk about how connected we felt as a family during Partner Prenatal Yoga. I really want to make it out to your new moms yoga class someday soon, because I just know that you will create an atmosphere that is just as special.