I have a tickle in my throat, which is a first sign to me that my immune system is a little under the weather. No small wonder given the lousiness of this June in Boston.
What am I going to do yoga-wise?
It’s interesting because I’ve been in a bit of a rut the last few weeks, including with yoga. Nothing’s really wrong, but nothing’s super awesome either, know what I mean? I’m noticing that my impulse is to try a strong yoga practice, because I haven’t had one in several days (my mom was visiting and I haven’t done my own yoga practice since Thursday).
However, I think it will be better for me to practice gentler yoga today. I won’t practice vigorous Sun Salutes, with lots of up and down motions of the head, nor will I practice many inversions, even though these are often my favorite. Instead, I think I’ll spend a lot of time on all fours, sitting and lying down instead.
And that might just help me re-dedicate myself to some more in-depth yoga in a few days 🙂
Here’s to more sunshine soon,