Five Points Yoga

Barrett's Blog

Archive for the ‘Personal Experiences’ Category

Thursday Thankfulness – One Week Until…

I’ve been thinking about Thankfulness, even if I haven’t been writing about it.  There’s been so much to be thankful for over the last several months!  Here’s some highlights, one for every day between now and Thanksgiving (only one week until Tofurky Day!!).

1)      We were featured in the Top 50 Yoga Blogs!!  Check it out, and find some other blogs worth reading!

2)      The weather – I’m still able to exercise outside!  Last night, several of us were waiting for the studio to open and someone commented that it was getting a little chilly, but still we were all so grateful that we could be outside without gloves and hats and be comfortable!

3)      Vitamin D!  In my recent checkup, I was on the borderline of being deficient.  I did some research, and did you know that taking adequate amounts of Vitamin D might help you avoid or get over the flu more quickly?  Talk to your doctor about how much Vitamin D3 you should take to prevent or treat the flu.

4)      Facebook.   We can waste time on Facebook, I know, but it’s a great place for me to learn what friends and family are up to.   Plus, they post awesome things.   Just today, a yoga student of mine posted this from the Positivity Blog: 5 Things You Can Do Today to Change your Life.

5)      Weddings – we went to 7 in the last 6 months!  It was really fun (and only a little tiring).  I laughed, danced and cried a lot!  It’s been great to spend quality time with all my friends and family.   In fact, we had such a good time, we decided to get married ourselves 🙂

6)      Backbends!   Loving wheel pose!   If you’re struggling with this pose, try using blocks, pictured below.

Wheel Pose blocks under feetWheel Pose blocks under hands

7)      Finally, I want to give thanks to you, my dear yogis!!  Thank you for practicing, thank you for attending class and taking my online programs, and thank you for reading!

I got up this morning and the first thing I thought was, “I love what I’m doing in the world.”



The 5 Prana Vayus – A Guest Post

Boston-area yoga teacher Erica Magliaro is writing in with a guest post!

She went down to Costa Rica awhile back at my suggestion to study with our teachers, Don and Amba Stapleton, and she came back a fabulous yoga teacher!

She’s offering classes in Brookline, and also Pranassage, which is yummy yoga massage. Check out her website for details.


Ever find yourself in pigeon pose, jaw clenched, shoulders tense, unable to relax?
What about lying in savasana, trying to focus but instead mulling over your last conversation with your boss or your significant other?

My teacher has always said, ‘Where the mind goes, Prana flows’, but what happens when we get stuck?  Sometimes we find ourselves unable to release physically and/or mentally.    Even as a yoga teacher, I can be as guilty of this as the next person….so when I get stuck, I like to remind myself of Prana at work:

Prana is our life force, the energy that flows through our bodies.  It is broken down into five forces, called the Prana Vayus:

1)  Apana is the downward moving energy in our bodies, grounding us.  Gravity is a simple example of apana.

2)  The next force of Prana is prana (lower-case ‘p’), which is the upward moving energy, or buoyancy, that counter-acts apana.  For me, I can really feel apana and prana at work in Tree Pose…being grounded in the feet, roots growing through the earth…but the buoyancy and lift of the body skywards.

3)  Samana is the third force of Prana, spiraling at our belly center.  It represents the energy of absorption, the fire of digestion, either physical and emotional.  This could be undigested lunch, or a difficult conversation you can’t get out of your head!

4)  Udana is the next force of Prana, representing the energy of sound and communication, giving us the ability to express our experience.

5)  Last but not least is vyana.  Vyana corresponds to the energy pathways in our body, connecting us to ourselves and to others.

I’ve been fortunate enough to fully experience Prana through the giving and receiving of Pranassage, an amazing blend of assisted yoga and massage.  The whole idea is that through touch, pressure, and postures, Prana is made easier to feel, allowing us to truly let go into deep relaxation with awareness of our experience.

So the next time you find yourself clenching in a pose or being distracted, try to remind yourself that it’s okay to let go and focus on the present moment…..allowing Prana to flow.



The 5 Prana Vayus

The 5 Prana Vayus

Yoga Outside!

Yesterday, I taught a free yoga class outside in Copley Square, sponsored by Healthworks.   It was really fun!  It was really hot!   I was impressed by the yogis who stuck with me as the noontime sun came up over the churches and high rises all around us.

I did a practice focused on balancing, given that we’re in a seasonal change and making a transition always requires a rebalance in our systems.   I also talked a bit about how amidst the hubbub all around us, we learn through yoga practice how to tune into ourselves, and tune out the other chatter.

No where might this be more evident than lunchtime in Copley Square!   As we were practicing, there were hundreds of people milling about, noises from the streets around us (why are buses so incredibly loud in this town??), and of course, the breeze and the trees and the charms of being outside.   We noticed all these things, but didn’t let it distract us from our postures, especially our balance postures!

Here’s a pic of us in action – looking up to the sun:

copley square yoga

After the class, I was speaking to a few of the yogis.   One woman mentioned that she really noticed that her practice has helped her focus in.  She was surprised by how undistracted she was!   It was a good experience for her to “test” out her concentration abilities outside of the bubble of the yoga studio.

Of course, we need that quiet safe haven of the studio, but isn’t it nice to know that with practice, we can be in the whirlwind all around us and still manage to find a deep, slow breath?



Warming Up

When I want to move and get things going in my yoga practice, my go-to series of asanas is the Sun Salutations.   You can be really creative with the sun salutes, so they’re never really boring.

However, they can be repetitive, and for some people, they can lead to injuries if done over and over the wrong way.  So, I’ve been thinking about ways to warm up without doing a sun salute.  I’ve been loving Chair Pose (Utkatasana) and any other postures that use the big muscles of the legs and buttocks (Hello, Warriors and Bridge!).   I also love to get upside down – inversions can really heat you up – and to practice other arm balances, like Crow pose (Bakasana).  I’ve also been trying to use my core, and often warming up with Boat pose (Navasana). 

I’m thinking about making a podcast of warm ups without Sun Salute.  Anyone interested?  

Just yesterday, I saw this amazing video.   It definitely looks like a warm up! This dance is based on the sun salutations, but includes much of what I mentioned above – arm balances, inversions, tons of core strength, and an amazing amount of variation with the two dancers interacting. 

 Variations on Surya Namaskara

I’m inspired to go practice now!


I’ll Try Anything Once

I have never tried a Bikram class.   I’ve looked at the 26 poses a few times, but I’ve never gone to a class.  I have a bit of an aversion to Bikram for some reason, but I think I’m ready to give it the good ole college try.

Recently, I’ve seen two articles about different styles of yoga.  I get asked almost every week about the different styles of yoga, so here’s a great in-depth review from Yoga Journal of some of the major styles of yoga.  If you are an experienced practitioner, but you’re ready to shake it up a bit, think about trying out a new kind of class. 

Rebecca over at Om Gal also recently posted about the different schools of yoga, and has a great writing style, so you might enjoy her take on yoga.  

As I’m preparing for the Yoga Odyssey, I’m thinking about how I’ll use the 28 days of daily practice in a new and interesting way.   I think I’d like to try out several new classes around the Boston area in the month of October.   Though I’ve been practicing and teaching for awhile, there is so much I don’t know!  This could be a great way for me to do something a little different for myself as a yoga student.

I’m curious to know, dear readers, what you’ve wanted to try recently.   There is constant innovation in the yoga world, so some of you have doubtless heard of something I haven’t!   I’d love to know.

Enjoy your yoga adventures,


Keep Moving Forward

This interesting article just came through my email yesterday.   It’s from Patricia Walden, a wonderful teacher here in Cambridge.  My favorite part of the article is the emphasis on just continuing to practice, even when it isn’t apparent that you’re “progressing” or benefitting.

It reminds me of how I’ve felt the last few months as I’ve been running.  During the two 5K races I’ve run, I’ve had several moments where I just keep moving forward.   It doesn’t matter what I look like doing it, it doesn’t matter if I’m going fast or slow, it doesn’t matter if it’s up a hill or down.    I couldn’t believe, both times, that I actually finished the race!   Apparently, even when I didn’t believe it, I was “progressing” – I was moving forward!

I realized reading this article that this has applied to my yoga practice as well.   Over the years, of course I’ve been in a rut at times.   I feel run-down, preoccupied by other things, or just a little un-creative.   But I’ve known, deep down, that the more I can just get the on the mat, and keep practicing, the better it will go.   Sometimes I’ve just sat on my mat.   Sometimes I’ve danced through a yoga practice.   But the commitment has always been there, and so has the evolution. 

As part of the upcoming Yoga Odyssey, my online program that helps you create a daily yoga practice, I’m so excited to commit to taking a class once a week.   In that way, I’ll keep moving forward, because it’s been awhile since I’ve gone to a regular class.  

How are you moving forward, in life, and in your practice?   I look forward to hearing about it here, or during the Odyssey (early registration for the Odyssey ends September 10!).

Be well,


Back from Vacation

It’s been wonderful to back from vacation, just like it was wonderful to get away for a week as well!

I can safely say that I’m hooked on scuba diving – our vacation to the Cayman Islands included diving everyday, which was really nice.

It also included yoga around the pool every evening, which was pretty fun.   The yogis in the family ranged from 3 years old up into the 60’s!  Though it was at times chaotic, I really love sharing yoga with people.   It was nice that someone asked me everyday, “Are we still having yoga?”  I think others were really craving it as well. 

I tried to find a little time every day to practice on my own as well, which was really nice.  Vacations can be just as hectic as “regular” life, so packing my yoga mat was an essential.  What I missed most about yoga at home was lying over a block – I did this as soon as I got home on Sunday evening, and it was HEAVENLY.

I only have a picture of lying over a bolster, which is also nice, and you can get a sense from the picture why I love it so much.   It really gets me over the hunching of everyday life.


Looking forward to seeing more of you on the mat this week.  And I’m REALLY looking forward to the upcoming Odyssey in October!   More on that later in the week!



Yoga Music Inspires!


I love music, and I really love music while I practice!   Some people play music while practicing and some don’t, but if you’re curious about it, I thought I’d give you some ideas. 


My all-time faves that you’ll hear in class all the time:


1. Any Shiva Rea compilation – one of my favorite teachers who creates amazing music compilations (and produces great DVDs) :

Jala   – Jala means water, and you will just flow right through this CD! I play this at Black Lotus all the time.

Shakti Rhythms – Shakti means power, and this is a strong (but not frenetic) CD that will keep you energized.

Yoga Rhythms – A classic, and one I still go back to over and over.


2. Jai Uttal – a regular kirtan (sacred yoga music) maker

Music for Yoga and Other Joys – I come back to this again and again.  It’s mellow and beautiful


3. The Spirit of Yoga great for relaxing practices


4. Donna Delory

The Lover and the Beloved – my current favorite!  I play it all.the.time


5. Wah!   Anything by her, but especially:

Savasana, and Savasana 2 – awesome for relaxation

Hidden in the name – double CD with some beautiful tracks


6. Jennifer Berezan

Returning – so many babies have been born to this music!


Those are some of my favorites, but I’ve also found some fun music over the years through Itunes playlists.   I usually search for yoga tunes.  


I also like music that isn’t yoga specific.   I’ve loved practicing to Moby, general reggae, Ali Farka Toure, and lots of other “world” music.  And yes, occasionally, I’ll do yoga to some 80’s tune (Livin on a Prayer by Bon Jovi, anyone?).   


These days in yoga classes, you can hear almost anything!  I was once asked to teach a disco yoga class, with disco music blasting in the background.   I politely declined, and that health club is no longer operating (coincidence?  You decide).  


But really, if it works for you, that’s awesome!  Whatever gets you to the mat.


I’d love to hear what you’re listening to these days, and if you even like to listen to music while you’re practicing.  Send in a comment.   I know I’ve missed something good!


Keep on grooving,




Get Right on the Mat

Two weeks ago, a private student and I made a pact:   instead of going right to our computers when we get home, we’d go right to our yoga mats.   Even if it was just for a minute or two, we were both interested in breaking the habit of getting sucked into our online world as soon as we walk in the door.  


The first week I wasn’t so good at this.  It was a busy and hard week, and that’s always a challenging environment to try to make a change in.    This week has been better though, and I’ve found myself going to the mat more often than the computer.   It’s been great! 


My favorite things on the mat?   Well, it depends.   Sometimes I do a sun salute.   Sometimes I sit down and do a forward bend (very calming for me).   And sometimes I lie over a block or curl myself up over the bolster.  Heavenly!   I feel much more in control and present than when I check out whatever’s going on in my email.  


Try the experiment  – get right on your mat when you get home, and circumvent your usual pattern, whether it’s turning on the TV, going to the fridge, or logging on.  See how it works for you, and let us know!


Enjoy your practice, 



Overheard in Yoga Class


Before class started yesterday, I heard this question posed:


“Which do you think has more nutritional value:  beer or ice cream?”  


An earnest debate ensued 🙂



Enjoy your practice (before you partake in either beer or ice cream),



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