Five Points Yoga

Barrett's Blog

Archive for the ‘Yoga’ Category

Enlighten Up!

I saw a really great documentary two weeks ago called Enlighten Up!  It was made by some professional filmmakers from Boston and thus has some great shots of local yoga studios.   Mostly the documentary is about a yoga newbie experiencing the wide world of yoga choices.   He’s funny and authentic, and the documentary shows a lot of the beauty in the yoga world and a lot of the silliness and egotism.  I thought it was really honest, which is interesting seeing as I saw it at a pre-screening for yoga teachers.   We laughed a lot, including at ourselves, which I think is a good thing!  


I was hoping to get this blog out while the movie was still in town, but I couldn’t (technical difficulties!).  I sent an email to a good number of my students encouraging them to attend.  4 students went with me this past Tuesday, which was really fun for me to see it again, this time with students. We had a drink together afterwards to discuss the ideas that the documentary explored and our reactions to it. 


Each of us found the movie interesting, and we really loved the tone of the movie.  It’s not preachy, it’s able to question yoga and its place in the modern world, and overall it feels pretty honest in terms of the protagonists’ struggle to find meaning in the yoga practice, and ultimately, in life.  


Here’s the trailer for the movie:


And here’s an article from the Globe:


I hope if you weren’t able to see it this time around, that you’ll see it when it comes around again, or when it’s out on video!  To be on their mailing list, check out the website for the film:





My First Posting

Wow!  I’m starting a blog!  I kind of can’t believe it, but part of this decision stems from the fact that most of us are on the computer much of the day. I’ve been exploring how to create yoga mindfulness throughout our day, even and especially on the computer.   So, hence, a blog of yoga-inspired mindfulness. 


No better place to start than in gratitude.  Yesterday, I did a brief gratitude meditation in one of my classes.  


As you sit quietly with eyes closed, take a moment and thank yourself for all that you do in the world.  Really pause and enumerate all the amazing ways you’re helping.


Second, take a moment to thank someone else who has enriched you, someone we really appreciate.   Just let that person (or people) pop into your head, whoever comes to mind.


Finally, open up to receive thanks coming to you from others, maybe even people we’re not aware of, who are grateful you are just who you are.  Simply sitting in that receptive space for a few moments can really be uplifting. 


Although I love doing this after a practice, really you can do it any time.  You’ll notice your breath starts to deepen, just as if you were on the mat. 


So I invite you, right now –

Close your eyes,

thank yourself for all you do,

thank others,

and finally,

be open to receive all the thanks coming your way.







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