Five Points Yoga

Barrett's Blog

Off for a Week

I’ve been silent on the blog for a few weeks, and probably that will remain so for the next week.   I’m off on another scuba diving vacation – woohoo!

But I have had a lot of interesting ideas for the blog coming my way.   So, stay tuned for some writings when I return.

For now, enjoy this bit of stand up comedy about yoga – gotta love his “yoga voice!”

Stand up Comic Discussing Yoga

Have a great week!


Yoga Music Inspires!


I love music, and I really love music while I practice!   Some people play music while practicing and some don’t, but if you’re curious about it, I thought I’d give you some ideas. 


My all-time faves that you’ll hear in class all the time:


1. Any Shiva Rea compilation – one of my favorite teachers who creates amazing music compilations (and produces great DVDs) :

Jala   – Jala means water, and you will just flow right through this CD! I play this at Black Lotus all the time.

Shakti Rhythms – Shakti means power, and this is a strong (but not frenetic) CD that will keep you energized.

Yoga Rhythms – A classic, and one I still go back to over and over.


2. Jai Uttal – a regular kirtan (sacred yoga music) maker

Music for Yoga and Other Joys – I come back to this again and again.  It’s mellow and beautiful


3. The Spirit of Yoga great for relaxing practices


4. Donna Delory

The Lover and the Beloved – my current favorite!  I play it all.the.time


5. Wah!   Anything by her, but especially:

Savasana, and Savasana 2 – awesome for relaxation

Hidden in the name – double CD with some beautiful tracks


6. Jennifer Berezan

Returning – so many babies have been born to this music!


Those are some of my favorites, but I’ve also found some fun music over the years through Itunes playlists.   I usually search for yoga tunes.  


I also like music that isn’t yoga specific.   I’ve loved practicing to Moby, general reggae, Ali Farka Toure, and lots of other “world” music.  And yes, occasionally, I’ll do yoga to some 80’s tune (Livin on a Prayer by Bon Jovi, anyone?).   


These days in yoga classes, you can hear almost anything!  I was once asked to teach a disco yoga class, with disco music blasting in the background.   I politely declined, and that health club is no longer operating (coincidence?  You decide).  


But really, if it works for you, that’s awesome!  Whatever gets you to the mat.


I’d love to hear what you’re listening to these days, and if you even like to listen to music while you’re practicing.  Send in a comment.   I know I’ve missed something good!


Keep on grooving,




Get Right on the Mat

Two weeks ago, a private student and I made a pact:   instead of going right to our computers when we get home, we’d go right to our yoga mats.   Even if it was just for a minute or two, we were both interested in breaking the habit of getting sucked into our online world as soon as we walk in the door.  


The first week I wasn’t so good at this.  It was a busy and hard week, and that’s always a challenging environment to try to make a change in.    This week has been better though, and I’ve found myself going to the mat more often than the computer.   It’s been great! 


My favorite things on the mat?   Well, it depends.   Sometimes I do a sun salute.   Sometimes I sit down and do a forward bend (very calming for me).   And sometimes I lie over a block or curl myself up over the bolster.  Heavenly!   I feel much more in control and present than when I check out whatever’s going on in my email.  


Try the experiment  – get right on your mat when you get home, and circumvent your usual pattern, whether it’s turning on the TV, going to the fridge, or logging on.  See how it works for you, and let us know!


Enjoy your practice, 



Overheard in Yoga Class


Before class started yesterday, I heard this question posed:


“Which do you think has more nutritional value:  beer or ice cream?”  


An earnest debate ensued 🙂



Enjoy your practice (before you partake in either beer or ice cream),



Foot Foundation



Some of you may have heard me talk about my chronically sprained ankles.   When I was a teenager, about once a year I’d sprain one of my ankles badly enough that I’d have to ice it and wear an ace bandage for about 4 weeks (often in the summertime – boo!).   Every morning I’d wake up and my ankle would be so stiff and swollen, and I’d wonder if it would ever be back to normal. 


One of the worst times this happened was in Israel, where I studied abroad in college.   I was really getting into yoga at the time, and practicing a lot on my own.   I sensed that working with yoga might help my ankles feel better over time.  


And I was right!   The last time I sprained my ankle was the next summer.   By then, I was committed to yoga, and was taking my first teacher training.   I remember spending every morning practicing slow sun salutes, and working on kneeling and downward dog back and forth.    My ankles quickly grew strong and they’ve never had a problem since!   I credit yoga with it.


Recently, the NYTimes Well blog featured an article about sprained ankles, and the importance on balance (thanks for the tip, Angela!).   I read it today and really got excited by the fact that my love of balances probably really helped my ankles all those years ago!


Today I taught a leg practice in yoga class – lots of strengthening of the quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and gluteal muscles.   We did a few foot and ankle strengthening postures as well, and I mentioned the NYTimes article.  


After class, a relatively new yoga student approached me and told me that since he’s been practicing, he hasn’t noticed his chronically sprained ankle feeling stiff at all.   He mentioned that when he went to physical therapy for his ankles, primarily he received balancing postures similar to yoga postures that we practice in class.   He credits his regular yoga practice over the last few months with helping him “fix” his sprained ankle once and for all.


Yoga’s the best J


So, enjoy the wobbling next time you practice balance postures like Tree, Eagle, Dancer and Half Moon. All that wobbling is helping your feet and ankles stay strong and balanced, so that you are less likely to sprain your ankles.  And check out this mini-article from Body and Soul and this larger article from Yoga Journal about strengthening and stretching the feet.



Gratitude Journal

Over the years, I’ve kept lots of journals.  I still have all my journals from childhood and my teens stored away. However,  I haven’t kept a regular journal in a few years – just a few sporadic writings here and there.  


Recently, I’ve picked it up again though.   I’ve been keeping a gratitude journal.  This is an idea I heard years ago, I think on Oprah(!!).   The idea is that every day you write down 5 things you’re grateful for (to read more details about it, click here).  It can be anything – from a really exciting event (I got a new job!  I just went skydiving!) to the most basic of things (I love my parents.   I’m happy for a roof over my head.). It’s a very private practice for me, and so I often repeat myself, or write similar things in different ways, because it’s just a reflection of what’s inside in that moment.


Some days you find you’re spilling over with gratitude, and that’s fun.  However, I think it’s especially helpful if you’ve had a bad day.   Usually, the gratitude journal helps put everything in perspective.  There’s so much to be grateful for – we are so lucky – even if we have some terrible days along the way, you know?



One thing I’m finding as I’m keeping the gratitude journal – yoga shows up on it almost everyday.  I use it for so many things, and there’s so many parts of yoga to be thankful for. 



So here’s 5 (that I want to share) things I’m grateful for today:


1) I’m so happy to have had the beautiful weekend (and Monday)!   It’s helping me not care about the gray and rain today.


2) The impatiens on my deck.   They’re the only flowers out there that look good with lots of rain.


3) My farm share – the greens have been amazing this year, and I have so many yummy choices in my fridge currently.


4) Andala tea – spicy Middle Eastern goodness at my favorite café


5) My bike – it’s so fun to bike to work, and now I have a bike rack so I can carry more easily. 


And one more, because they’re just flowing today!


Bonus: Hand to big toe pose – awesomely fun today!  Felt like I could hold it effortlessly forever. 



In gratitude,



The Doula Guide to Birth – Book of the Month

Pregnant Mamas – Read this Book!


I’m adding to my list of favorite books to suggest in pregnancy.   Boston resident (and friend of mine) Ananda Lowe has written a FANTASTIC book all about what you need to know to give birth in the US today.  


It’s called “The Doula Guide to Birth: Secrets Every Pregnant Woman Should Know”  and it’s chock full of helpful tips from Ananda’s years as a doula, prenatal massage therapist, and employee at ALACE (I took her job at ALACE when she left in 2003, and learned much of what I know about pregnancy, birth and postpartum while working there). 


I like this book because it’s very open to all the possibilities of what someone may want in their birth.   I don’t think this book leaves anyone out – she speaks to single moms, lesbian moms, twin moms, and the dads/partners of said moms.  


A student of mine mentioned that she thought the book pushed the idea of getting a doula a little too much.   I’m such a fan of having a doula that I didn’t notice that at all, but I guess someone who knows they do not want a doula might experience that as well.  However, even if you know you don’t want a doula, I found information in this book that is hard to find written about anywhere else, so I still think it’s a great read.





Under the Weather

I have a tickle in my throat, which is a first sign to me that my immune system is a little under the weather.   No small wonder given the lousiness of this June in Boston.


What am I going to do yoga-wise?


It’s interesting because I’ve been in a bit of a rut the last few weeks, including with yoga.   Nothing’s really wrong, but nothing’s super awesome either, know what I mean?  I’m noticing that my impulse is to try a strong yoga practice, because I haven’t had one in several days (my mom was visiting and I haven’t done my own yoga practice since Thursday).


However, I think it will be better for me to practice gentler yoga today.   I won’t practice vigorous Sun Salutes, with lots of up and down motions of the head, nor will I practice many inversions, even though these are often my favorite.  Instead, I think I’ll spend a lot of time on all fours, sitting and lying down instead.  


And that might just help me re-dedicate myself to some more in-depth yoga in a few days 🙂  


Here’s to more sunshine soon,




Keep It Simple Sweetie!

We laughed a lot getting ready for our first foray into backpacking – boy, for going back to nature, you sure do need a lot of expensive stuff!

It was so interesting for me to literally carry my world on my back for 4 days. It made me realize that we really don’t need much. I could have used more yoga, and a better place to do it than in the dirt and rocks, but otherwise, I was ok.

When we got to Moab, it was heavenly to take a shower and to sleep on a bed (my old back injury was starting to get a little cranky), things that day by day, I definitely take for granted.

But there were some things I absolutely didn’t miss – my email and cellphone!!!

I don’t think I’ve gone so long without checking either one since the advent of their existence! I’ve always been someone who, even on vacation, will stop by the local internet café, if it’s convenient, and check in on my life for a few minutes. I felt like these ways to communicate kept me in touch with my regular life, even if I was on vacation from it.

Well, there was no internet café in Canyonlands National Park, and surprisingly, even when I got to Moab, ensconced in a beautiful little cottage, I had no desire to turn on the computer or check my voicemail. I think being stripped down to just the most basic things (water, some food, a few articles of clothing, and some shelter) made me understand just how unnecessary being in constant contact is.

Now that I’m back, I can’t hide from them, and interestingly, I find I don’t want to. I had a respite, and now I’m back to managing the information flow. I think I’m doing better than usual, not getting overwhelmed at the 250 emails I had awaiting me. I’m doing only what is necessary, and letting go of the extraneous. AND, making sure to step outside on these beautiful days and enjoy the sunshine!

So, Keep It Simple! That’s what I’m talking about right now. It’s been present in my yoga practice too. Just doing the basics that I know put me into a good space. It’s been a really lovely transition back.




About to head out – last sign of “amenities” like an air conditioned car

We headed off for a 14-mile hike after sleeping in til 10am – mistake! We had to hoof it to get back before dark.

On the way, there were some crazy parts as we moved in and out of canyons

Very happy to be done and back to our tent home. Ready for some pasta and then bed!

Farmers Markets Are Back!


I LOVE the farmer’s market!   Even though I’ve had a CSA share with Waltham Fields for 9 years(!!!), I still make my way to the farmer’s market regularly.    We have one every day of the week near Cambridge!


Check out  for lots of info about when and where.   Some markets I love:


Copley Square, Tuesday and Friday – my favorite one, because it’s big and has Siena Farms, which always has interesting produce.   Siena Farms is connected to Oleana, one of our best restaurants in Cambridge.  


Central Square, Monday – the easiest one for me to get to.   It’s really great.   One of my favorite strawberry growers is here.


Davis Square, Wednesday – my former closest farmer’s market.  It’s an awesome feel here. 


Union Square, Saturday – also a fun family feel.


There’s also Harvard Square on Sunday and Tuesday, Cambridgeport on Saturday, and Kendall Square on Thursday.


I hope to bump into some of you this summer!   Here’s to an awesome healthy summer everyone!



