Five Points Yoga

Barrett's Blog



I love learning new things, especially from fun sources!   A few weeks ago, we had Gadi’s niece and nephew over and as usual, at some point, one of them asked, “Can we do yoga now?”   We got out our yoga mats, and started practicing.   Usually we end up giggling and tossing the kids around, but for at least a little, we have these awesome “yogic” moments. 


Here was one of them – the kids were practicing Downward Dog and all of a sudden, we had a no-hands version.  I snapped the picture.   Since then, they’ve also invented a few versions of bathtub Down Dog, all of which is very cute! 



Innovation happens everyday, even (or especially) with 3 and 4 year olds!  I was reminded on this day to keep playing with yoga, keep laughing and enjoying the practice, and enjoy practicing with others.   Fun things come out of it, clearly.  


By the way, I haven’t tried the hands-free version yet.   And if I do, I’m NOT posting a picture of the results.  But if you try, so will I.  Look forward to hearing about it 🙂





Mothering Magazine Online


For all the moms who I’ve worked with over the years, I always recommend Mothering Magazine, and often give out a complimentary copy of the magazine in my prenatal classes (I’ll be giving them out today at Black Lotus – Monday 2/16 President’s Day)  


Awhile ago, Mothering started offering their magazine online, which is fantastic!  Here are the benefits of subscribing to the online edition of a magazine:


          Cheaper than getting the print copies

          Ecofriendly – no paper!   This is also good for folks like me who are trying to be more minimalist (ie have less clutter).

          Access to previous issues – they have an archives section!

          Can print what you need, and also email articles to friends

          Awesome content


I also love the discussion boards, and just checking out their website, which features even more content.


Check it out, moms and moms-to-be!  Now, if only other magazines would follow suit, I’d have some room in my office…








Last month, I was featured in this article. A sister yoga teacher and blogger wrote a piece for Yoga Journal online about teaching in a gym versus a yoga studio.  I currently teach in both studios and one gym, and over the last 10 years, I’ve taught in a lot of situations! I’ve gotten to know the pros and cons of working in different environments, and so reflecting on this for an article was interesting and fun for me!


First of all, I’ve taught (and practiced) in a lot of crazy places. For example, once I remember I was taking a class at a yoga conference (which is *really* expensive, fyi) and we were in Savasana (see yesterday’s post to understand how important Savasana is!).   Dark room, quiet music, resting after a vigorous practice, and then…. POW!   Bright lights going off repeatedly!   Snaps, clicks, shutters sounding.   Two professional photographers had been let in to photograph us, without us knowing! It was quite disturbing and not at all peaceful, and just kept going and going for more than a minute.  Half of us ended up walking out (my only time ever walking out of a class).   


And of course, I’ve taught in some pretty crazy scenarios as well – places that were freezing, places that were dirty or loud, places where there wasn’t enough room for everyone who attended.   I feel….very adaptable 🙂


It’s true what the article says – being flexible as a teacher is important – and not just in your hamstrings!   Going with the flow, having a sense of humor, and helping everyone else go with the flow with your cheery attitude, really does help.  I try to remember that most of the students in a yoga class have made some big sacrifices in time, money, and effort to get to class.   I don’t want to let them down, no matter what!   Some of my best class moments have been in less than ideal circumstances, so I know that attitude really counts 🙂


All this being said, I’m so grateful that there are beatiful yoga studios to teach and practice in.   It’s really nice to have a dedicated space that was designed for yoga, and is filled with yoga energy everyday.   Of course, the one gym I still work at (Healthworks for Women) is really good about supporting yoga as well, so I’m not complaining.   


Enjoy your practice today, wherever it may be!



Back to the Blog


Triumphant return to blogging!   I’ve actually really missed blogging while I was doing the Odyssey, so I’m psyched to come back.


Life has been great here.  The Odyssey went really well, both from a logistic standpoint and personally.   We had almost 100 of us practicing together, and I had some really great practices over the month.  My body feels great – all the little nagging parts (hamstring, shoulder) are feeling a lot better!   And my mind – I’m handling the winter *much* better than usual, especially considering I’m not taking a tropical vacation this winter.  


I have so much to write about, but first I’ll just share another tidbit from our Odyssey.  This is one of the daily emails I sent during the Odyssey.




I know it’s hard to pick one most important pose, but if I had to pick, I’d say Savasana (Final Rest Pose).  But the beauty of Savasana is that you really can’t get into it unless you’ve done some of the other asanas.  


Savasana works because we practice our other postures enough to feel a difference physically, mentally, and energetically.  If you were just to lie down without the physical stretch of the previous postures, you might not feel much physically.   You might not have much ability to mentally focus on the sensations in your being.   However, after twisting, bending and extending our bodies in all sorts of postures, in all kinds of sequences, Savasana offers a fascinating landscape to gaze over.  Instead of falling asleep, or tuning out mentally, we can immerse deeply into the sensations of being embodied, of being truly alive.   


So, treat yourself to Savasana!   You’ve done all the work of the previous asanas to get to this place where you can tune in.    


Enjoy your practice!








Just So Happy!



I try to veer away from the political – yoga is for everybody.   But today is an amazing day for all of us, and just wanted to post this.  

And Michelle Obama’s mom does yoga 🙂   Yay for yoga in the White House!

Get Curious

Finally, the Odyssey has started, and I can breathe a sigh of relief and get back to life!   Of course, I’m sending emails every day and keeping it all going, but that’s easier than all the preparations for it!

I thought I’d share our Day 1 email of the Odyssey, because it’s good for everyone to think about.   It’s about staying interested and curious in your practice.   Enjoy!


To start us off, I want to invite you to get curious about your experience today, and everyday.  Often our tendency is to be judgmental, about our abilities, our commitment level, our space, etc.  Instead, my hope is that each of us can cultivate seeing our practice from a really interested, *curious* place of inquiry.
One of my teachers’ favorite things to say in their trainings is, “Isn’t that interesting?”   They say it all the time, with many different inflections.   For example, you might notice your left leg is a lot tighter than your right.   “Isn’t that interesting?”   You might notice that you feel really crabby 3 weeks into the training, when your body is sore and you haven’t seen your friends and family in a long time.   “Isn’t that interesting?”   
What they are teaching us is to stay open to receiving information.  When we judge ourselves – “I’m so inflexible”, “That injury will never heal”, “Why am I such a crybaby?” –  we stop the learning and the inquiry.   On the other hand, when we are curious to find out exactly what happens on our mats, a whole new way of learning about ourselves opens up.   We might even learn something about how we act in the world off our mats as well.
So, with that in mind, practice today noticing everything and finding it all interesting.  What are your feelings as you approach your practice? What are the actual sensations as you’re in the posture? What is it like to practice with the pictures, or the audio file, or from your own head?   Notice as much as you can, without judgment, and with a genuine curiosity to learn more!
Enjoy your practice,


Odyssey Featured in the DailyCandy

Marketing and promotion are not things I naturally gravitate towards. BUT, I’ve really loved these home Odyssey practices that I started in 2008 and I wanted to spread the word to everyone, not just to my Boston students.  

So with some encouragement from Gadi and Zeenat (ok, A LOT of encouragement), I started passing the word along to students, other yoga teachers, and to the press.   Today the DailyCandy featured the Odyssey – check it out!   As a result of this and other promotional work, I think we’re going to have at least 30 more participants than we have had in the past!  The more people who participate, the richer the discussion and overall experience for everyone.  So, I’m pretty happy about that! 

These days, every time I practice, I’m thinking about that exciting group energy that is building from the Odyssey. I love that about really good classes, too – the energy of the other yogis stimulates your own practice. It’s interesting that even though yoga is a personal experience, and highly individual, having some kind of sangha (community) is REALLY helpful.   I’m going to think about that a bit more…



I Trust the Internet More than My Pediatrician – Part 2


Here’s our Part 2 installment from new mom blogger Catherine.  A few weeks ago, she wrote this post about some common postpartum issues.   Enjoy!



The next issue is a major one – the Vaccine Issue. My husband and I had been warned that there were some controversies around vaccines (mercury content, unnecessary vaccines, bad side effects, possible autism links, and so on). We did our best as new parents to look into this, research it with our friends, and read about it. But, of course, we are busy people so we don’t have time to read all of the literature about vaccines. We came across the Dr. Sears book (aptly named “The Vaccine Book”) which, for us, was the most balanced look at vaccines written for laypeople. We decided to follow Dr. Sears’ alternative vaccine schedule for our son. In this schedule, you get all of the recommended vaccines, just in a different order and staggered differently. From our first pediatrician visit, I warned our pediatrician that this is what we wanted to do. I offered to set up a special meeting with her where we could talk about the vaccine schedule that we were going to follow. Nevertheless, at our two-month visit, she had the four regular shots prepared to give him and was offended when I told her that we were not going to get those because we were doing something different. She harrumphed and made a photocopy of the Dr. Sears schedule. She then told me that what we were doing was against all medical protocol. I said, “OK, but that’s what we are doing nevertheless.” She was disgruntled for the rest of the appointment and I started thinking seriously about changing pediatricians at that point.


The final issue that made me switch pediatricians is not really a single issue. After the vaccine visit, I had other new parent issues and questions come up. Are his grunts normal? Until when should I swaddle my son? Is the red around his bottom a diaper rash? What kind and what’s the best treatment? Will the white bump on his face go away? He hates being on his tummy, is his neck really weak now? These and many other questions. I realized that I didn’t want to bring up any of these little questions with his pediatrician because I did not trust her. I was afraid that she wouldn’t respect my desire for a non-interventionist approach to raising my son – i.e. as few prescriptions and medications as possible. I was afraid that if I brought up an issue, she would bring out her prescription pad. 


This was the point where I realized that I trusted the Internet more than my pediatrician. I could go on the Internet to look up diaper rash, for example, and choose to read the information that accorded with my desire for natural methods (rubbing breast milk on his bottom – a natural solution that really worked!) And the Internet was full of information and never condescending to me. I didn’t have to withold information from Google because I wasn’t afraid of what Google would think of me as a mother.


So why not just have the Internet as your pediatrician, you might ask? (You probably wouldn’t ask that, but just for the sake of argument…) Well, looking up diaper rash and swaddling is one thing, but what if he becomes really ill? I don’t want to be keeping that information from my pediatrician and hoping that WebMD will be able to diagnose him remotely (“Please click here once you have placed your baby on the scanner.”) I realized I needed a pediatrician who I could trust, who would respect my wishes for a low-intervention parenting style, and who would understand that I’m trying to do the best I can for my son. I think I have found the right practice – one town away – and I hear they are friendly to alternate vaccine schedules. We have our first appointment tomorrow.


The supervitamin of the year – Vitamin D

Has everyone else noticed how often people are singing the praises of Vitamin D?


Just the other day in the NYTimes, it was reported that low levels of Vitamin D are associated with a higher incidence of Cesarean surgery. 


In fact, this year, it came out that a lack of Vitamin D may increase your risk of heart disease, autism in children, cancer (colon and breast), and some autoimmune diseases.


Doesn’t it seem like every few years, there’s a new wonder vitamin?   And then a few years later, that vitamin, in high doses, seems bad for you.   I did a little research, and surprise!   I found out that just taking higher doses of Vitamin D may not be a great idea.


Here’s an article about Vitamin D supplementation from Science Daily.  In it, the study suggests that “ingested vitamin D is immunosuppressive and that low blood levels of vitamin D may be actually a result of the disease process. Supplementation may make the disease worse.”


This means that in some cases, taking a Vitamin D supplement may make the situation worse.   I thought it was important to note that it says “ingested” Vitamin D.   Most of us know that the “sunshine” vitamin is produced in our bodies from exposure to sunlight.  


Even in the wintertime, taking a walk outside can expose you to some Vitamin D.   Go out in the unseasonably warm winter days and expose your skin to the air and the sunlight!   Try to get away this winter to a warm, sunny place.   I think all these years, when I’ve been saying that I was “soaking” in the sun while on vacation in the winter, what I was partially doing was storing up Vitamin D!


Yay for a healthy wintertime in 2009!

Back to Practice, Back to Blogging, Back to Life


Though the holidays can be fun, I love love love being back to my life!   We just got back from visiting our families in Buffalo, and I practiced about 30 minutes total of yoga in the past week.   Coupled with about 20 hours of driving, and OUCH!  I was out of sorts.


I pulled up last night, and went directly to teaching two classes back to back.  Then up again early this morning to teach two more.   So when I arrived home this afternoon, I immediately rolled out my yoga mat and had a luscious practice for about an hour.   It set me right, physically and mentally!   I also made a massage appointment for next week, when I know I will really need it (right before the start of the Odyssey).  


I’m loving taking care of myself, and I’m so excited for myself personally to undergo a month of consistent practice, bolstered by the Odyssey.  In my practice, I took it slow, as I’ve promised myself I would.   It’s kind of my resolution during the Odyssey – I think I’ve been trying to cram in a lot of postures into limited time, and it really doesn’t work!   You’d think I’d know this after 10 years of teaching, but sometimes you need to learn the lessons very experientially.   I’ve learned it!   I’m slowing down, even it means I only do half as many postures as I want to.  


Happy New Year everyone!  We’re having a party at our house tomorrow night.   Maybe I’ll be able to convince some attendees to do a group yoga pose, champagne in hand….



